Getting Started
How to use
- Setup and activate the Python environment of your choice.
cp .env.example .env
- Run the following command to install the required dependencies:
pip install poetry
poetry shell
poetry install
- Test the application by running the following command:
poetry run pytest
- Run the following command to launch FastAPI in development mode:
poetry run uvicorn app.main:app --reload
- Dockerize the application by running the following command:
docker-compose up --build
The documentation of the API is available at the following URL: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/docs
File Structure
# AINewsTracker.svg & AINewsTracker_transparent.svg: Logo or graphic resources
# app: Main application code directory
# ├── File that contains the configuration settings of the application
# ├── core: Directory that includes essential parts of the application
# ├── ├── database: Includes scripts for managing database connections
# ├── ├── ├── Main database module containing connection settings, queries, etc.
# ├── ├── File that sets up the logging for the application
# ├── ├── repo: Directory that contains scripts for database operations
# ├── ├── services: Contains service functions for different operations
# ├── ├── telemetry: Directory containing scripts for system logging and monitoring
# ├── Entry point of the application
# ├── models: Directory containing the data models used by the application
# ├── routers: Directory containing FastAPI routers (request handling logic)
# ├── static: Contains static files (images, CSS, JavaScript, etc.)
# ├── File that contains the version number of the application
# Markdown file outlining the code of conduct for the project
# Markdown file outlining the guidelines for contributing to the project
# deploy: Directory for deployment-related files and scripts
# ├── docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose file for setting up the production environment
# ├── Markdown file with instructions for deploying the application
# docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose file for setting up the development environment
# Dockerfile: Contains instructions for Docker to build an image for the application
# LICENSE: The license of the project
# monitoring: Contains configuration files for monitoring tools
# poetry.lock & pyproject.toml: Configuration files for Python project and dependency management (Poetry)
# General project documentation and overview
# renovate.json: Configuration file for Renovate (automates dependency updates)
# requirements-dev.txt & requirements.txt: Python dependencies for development and production environments
# Markdown file outlining the security policy of the project
# Test-AI.ipynb: A Jupyter notebook file for testing AI functionalities
# tests: Directory for test modules
# wiki: Directory for additional project documentation or guides