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API Reference

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Execute Trading Strategy

  • Single company GET /execute_trading_strategy/{company}: This endpoint triggers the execution of a trading strategy for a specific company.
  • Multiple companies POST /execute_trading_strategy: This endpoint triggers the execution of a trading strategy for multiple companies.


  • Create news item POST /news: This endpoint creates a new news item.
  • Read news GET /news/{news_id}: This endpoint retrieves a specific news item using its ID.
  • Read news by name GET /news/{news_name}: This endpoint retrieves all news items with a specific name.
  • Update news item PUT /news/{news_id}: This endpoint updates a specific news item.
  • Delete news item DELETE /news/{news_id}: This endpoint deletes a specific news item.
  • Fetch RSS feed GET /news/rss/{api_key}/{start_date}/{end_date}: This endpoint fetches news from an RSS feed given a specific date range.
  • Fetch GNews articles GET /news/gnews/{api_key}/{query}/{lang}/{country}/{max_results}: This endpoint fetches news from GNews based on a specific query.
  • Fetch feed entries GET /news/entries/{source}/{limit}: This endpoint fetches a limited number of news entries from a specified source.


  • Create company POST /company: This endpoint creates a new company.
  • Get all companies GET /company: This endpoint retrieves all companies.
  • Get company by ticker GET /company/{ticker}: This endpoint retrieves a specific company using its ticker.


  • Create article POST /articles: This endpoint creates a new article.
  • Get all articles GET /articles: This endpoint retrieves all articles.
  • Get article GET /articles/{article_id}: This endpoint retrieves a specific article using its ID.
  • Delete article DELETE /articles/{article_id}: This endpoint deletes a specific article.
  • Get score by article ID GET /articles/{article_id}/score: This endpoint retrieves the sentiment score of a specific article.